The artist behind Depicted Creations

Hello my name is Madison, I am a full time welder who lives in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, and am using my fabrication knowledge to elevate the artwork I create.


Currently, I am a part time artist who trys to create everyday. It can be a silly 5 minute sketch on a post-it note or hours of planning and ideas left on canvas. I work with many mediums such as pencils, paints, epoxy clay, and metals. I don't have a favorite since my choice of medium is specific to what I am portraying.

My art process varies, but the goal is always the same. 

To tell the story of what is seen within the mind so we are able to enjoy it with the body.


I work from personal ideas, but also love working with individuals and bringing their own ideas to life. Commissions are always welcomed!


I hope to connect my art to more of the world.